Clase Azul 'Guerrero' Mezcal 750ml

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Product Description

A warrior cloaked in beauty. Beautiful, gentle, loving, strong and a warrior; this is the Mexican woman. For Clase Azul, feminine energy is reflected in this artisanal, handmade piece, proudly representing and carrying not only her ancestral wisdome, but also her natural social leadership, which generates a harmonious equilibrium for the world. Its content attests to the balance between strength of character and delicate sweetness. This artisanal Mezcal, crafted with 100% Papalote Agave, is of the Guerro state, who tropical climate along with the use of native wood in the crafting process, bestows its aromas and fresh flavors, herbal notes, a subtle heat, and a delicate smokiness. With a piece of art in one hand and a glass of Clase Azul in the other, we toast to women.

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