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Don Julio Ultima Reserva Tequila Extra Anejo 750ml

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Rare Item: 1 item limit per customer

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Product Description

Julio Gonzalez was a simple farmer who brought tequila-making to uncharred heights. In 2006, Don Julio, with his family, planted their final agave field. In honor of his devotion and craftsmanship, that harvest was carefully distilled, barreled, and set aside to create a rare Extra Anejo Tequila. Our Ultima Reserva is aged with the Solera method, allowing Don Julio's legacy to remain at the heart of this special tequila.

Product Specs

Alcohol by Volume40.0%
Country of OriginMexico


Ships to most states from California. Securely packaged and sealed, we have delivered over 10,000 packages safely to happy customers all around the USA.


It is against the law in the state of California to accept returns on alcohol except for defective or spoiled items. If there is an issue with the order, we will make it right 100% guaranteed.

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