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Tesoro Azul Tequila Anejo Cristalino 750ml

Product information

Product photo of Tesoro Azul Tequila Anejo Cristalino 750ml

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Product Description

Being outside of Mexico is always hard, it brings you a a lot of memories. It is impossible to forget its landscape, tradition, flavor, but most of all our people. Not long ago we started looking for a flavor that tastes like Mexico. We wandered through our irreplacable Mexico, getting to know and learn about our craftsman, farmers, agave harvesters and tequila masters; understanding and respecting their ancestors legacy that makes them proud to share their generosity. As a Mexican, it's the quality, identity and authenicity, that we like to spread with that unique flavor that as soon as you taste it takes us back to our beloved land. With this talent, history, accomplishment, patience and dedication, we have discovered "Tesoro Azul," a tequila created with all the intention to share the purest essence of Mexico to the world. A combination of our exclusive filtration methods and the experience of our maestro tequilero come together in the finest anejo cristalino tequila. The blend of tequilas patiently aged in American oak barrels produce clear notes of wood, vanilla and exquisite smoothness.

Product Specs

Alcohol by Volume40.0%
Country of OriginMexico


Ships to most states from California. Securely packaged and sealed, we have delivered over 10,000 packages safely to happy customers all around the USA.


It is against the law in the state of California to accept returns on alcohol except for defective or spoiled items. If there is an issue with the order, we will make it right 100% guaranteed.

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