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WhistlePig 'The Boss Hog IX Siren's Song' Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml

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Product photo of WhistlePig 'The Boss Hog IX Siren's Song' Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml

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Product Description

From the farmlands of Vermont let us begin to sing: who hold the great and glorious rye, and sance on soft hooves about the springs of supreme cereal grain? Those would be our celebrated swine, of course. Each year they inspire our whiskey makers to bring you a release of The Boss Hog that's unlike anything you've seen or sipped before. For the ninth edition, whiskey creator Liz Rhoades and chied blender Meghan Ireland turn to the nune ancient muses of Greece. Patrons of the arts, these goddesses inspired all manner of discovery and creation, and today, the women of WhistlePig serve up the same. Siren's Song is an odyssey of maturation: a twice finished twice finished, well aged rye which slumbered in casks seasoned with Greek fig nectar and barreles suffused with homemade tentura -- a liqueur born in the Peloponnesian city of Patras. Enlivened by the muses and inspirited by Hellenic family recipes. Our farm tentura is scratch made with ingredients hailing from both Greece and the Elysia fields of Shoreham. It arrives in the glass throwing scents of cinnamon and citrus zest. The palate finds ambrosial threads of clove, cardamom and stewed orchard fruit, retreating upon rippled waves of raisin and prune. A labyrinth of flavor that would make even Homer blush. Keeping the legendary liquid under cork are nine bespoke pewter toppers. Each represents one of the Ancient Greek muses: Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Urania. Amass them all if you dare; these mothers of creation also birthed the mischievous sirens. They will undoubtedly lure collectors with their melodious call. What awaits when you arrive... Halcyon reward or Bacchanalian bewitchment? We don't know. We're not Greek schocars. We just make world class whiskey. So our meodious muses agree, to utter true things "Siren's Song is destined to echo through the ages."

Product Specs

Alcohol by Volume51.3%
Country of OriginUnited States


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