Cutler's Gin 750ml
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Product Description
Cutler's Gin is an incredibly smooth and well balanced spirit, crafted using locally harvested botanicals that represent the best the California Central Coast has to offer. Made with a complement of hand-peeled citrus including: Ojai Pixie Tangerine, Bergamont orange, lemon, and Pomelo peels, joined by notes of local elderflower, jasmine, and cardamom, all balanced with a predominance of carefully distilled aromatic juniper. "Thank you for purchasing this bottle. It is my goal to fill each and every bottle with the finest possible product. Please enjoy this spirit, as much as I have enjoyed producing it." Cheers, Ian Cutler. Distilled in Santa Barbara, California. Distilled from grain.
Product Specs
Alcohol by Volume | 46 |
Country of Origin | United States |
Region | California |
UPC | 854670004017 |