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Colonel E.H. Taylor Barrel Proof Uncut & Unfiltered Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

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Product photo of Colonel E.H. Taylor Barrel Proof Uncut & Unfiltered Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

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Product Description

Edmund Haynes Taylor, Jr. was born in Kentucky in 1830. After moving to Louisiana with his great uncle Zachary Taylor as a boy, Edmund eventually returned to Kentucky where he made his most indelible mark on history as a founding father of the modern bourbon industry. Hearty and complex, this uncut and unfiltered whiskey was drawn directly from barrels aged in warehouses constructed by Taylor over a century ago. Hand-selected and bottled at over 125 proof, it reflects the way whiskey was produced in the days before prohibitio. With hints of chocolate and molasses, it is smooth, yet powerful and uncompromising -- just like its namesake, Colonel E.H. Taylor, Jr.

Product Specs

Alcohol by Volume65.55%
Country of OriginUnited States


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